Friday, February 1, 2008

Seattle Sucks: Exhibit 4... The Ned Flanders Effect.

I hate the bombastic music that heralds the start of the BBC World Service at 9a.m. EST when WNYC switches over to the Brits for the hour. So I'm always running to the radio at 8:59 to turn the station before the melodramatic brass and string assault.

This morning I tuned to KUOW for my 9-10a.m. refuge from British accents. It's the station at the University of Washington in Seattle (where I used to work). The DJ's name was Derek Wang (pictured) and Reeve asked "Is that how they talk in Seattle?" I winced and said yes. She said "Oh my god! He sounds just like Ned Flanders!" I laughed because it's totally true.

Everyone in Seattle sounds like Ned fucking Flanders!

See for yourself. I made some clips:

Ned Flanders
Derek Wang

Still... better than a British accent.

[Also see: Seattle Sucks: Exhibits 1-3]


Annie B said...

Six years, and this town's still go a hold on you, eh?

We lived next to a Ned Flanders in Fremont. He owned a Christian bookstore, had a 400 lb wife, and grew the best tomatos in his back yard. The tomatos were a little TOO good, for this climate anyway.

Anonymous said...

Great post! Very entertaining. Seattle is still the best though and has the best things to offer! I recently stumbled upon this blog that I found pretty funny in its bashing of Seattle:

Thanks for the post! Seattle rocks!
