Monday, March 17, 2008

207 Wiggaz Be Havin' Dat F.A.S.

Portland, Maine has a bizarre abundance of wiggers in their teens and twenties seemingly either having been kicked in the head by a horse or born with fetal-alcohol syndrome.

Why Portland? Perhaps, it's a perfect storm: Maine is, as Barbara Ehrenreich says in Nickel and Dimed, the whitest state in the country (i guess somebody here needs to step up and be black), Maine is economically depressed, leaving Portland, its largest city, a regional destination for social services (cue the parade of impoverished, drunk mothers-to-be). And lastly, Portland experiences massive brain drain, the citizenry leaving only its pock-marked dunces limping behind.


Blais Dell said...

Maybe you can reverse the pendulum's swing, find other like-minded Portlanders?

Anonymous said...

I'm from Mississippi which has the highest percent of African americans in the country,and I was startled when I came to Maine for many of course is white kids who've never seen a black trying to be black...another is the lack of compassion "YOU DO AS I SAY!"....just one reason to believe the south is not as bad as northerners would like to believe...i would add, mostly ignorant, but not bad, but ignorant can do alot of damage...however you get into real devil nature up here in Maine...massive food stamp fraud that is 1000% worse than anything I've seen in the south...folks, blacks aren't using the system as much as quite a few whites...come to Maine, you'll see.